Vaani — fragrance

for my little one month old daughter

manan sheel
Oct 29, 2022
Vaani — when one day old — my sketch

That powdery fragrance
when I kiss you
when you are
in my arms —
I imagine its essence
when I see your
face on the
video call —
my mind, then,
is playing a game
with my sense of smell —
its perception moves
from the realm of the usual
to the realm of the real —
to the realm of dreams —
to the meditation of children —
to the place where I once was —
that has opened up again
like a treasure chest opens up
in a story, when two
magical puzzles meet —
Similarly, my mind has met
its other puzzle piece in you,
that had been lost since
I was as little as you —
my little bundle of joy,
my little Vaani…

© Manan sheel.



manan sheel

an artist, poet, singer and engineer. trying to introduce heart into the world of mind.