On Stories

manan sheel
2 min readAug 11, 2023

Stories — Dreams, Imaginations, Colors, Loves, Lives, Magic, Starlight, Dancing, Depths, Inner Lights, Happiness, Sorrows, Swans, Lakes, Lamps, Clouds, Shiny little mirrors with little lights falling from the clouds on the earth, intricate patterned deep-colored carpets, People and Heroes, Rough Villains, Storytelling Parrots, Lover Monkeys, Wrinkled hands, Young promising hands on wrinkled hands, Those Young hands with a life to live in front of them, Those wrinkled hands who have seen it all, who need a promise from those young hands to fulfill what they couldn’t, or to keep what they found, All this not done in a dry desert, but with moist eyes, moist drizzly eyes, moist rainy eyes, fathomless like Mariana Trench, or deeper, How the eyes close at night — to reveal a land of stories, How the day breaks with the songs of the birds -which are but mysterious stories, How everyone sleeps in the noon, but the long-tailed, shiny-winged helicopter-flies, called plainly dragon-flies hover about, about to tell what-else, Stories! How the purple colored sky fills up with freshly lit little stars, and gives way to one of the thousand and one, or more, nights of stories…Don’t sit with your back to the stories, I mean do not decide not to involve in stories, all this world may be false, but you will see the truth in the stories, as you are made up of, and your blood smells of stories!

© Manan sheel



manan sheel

an artist, poet, singer and engineer. trying to introduce heart into the world of mind.