Leaping the Ladder, Embracing the Steps

My Knowledge Journey

manan sheel
3 min readMar 21, 2024
Photo by Torsten Dederichs on Unsplash

I have learnt things the hard way. But I am grateful for this. If knowledge were a ladder, I did not go from the first rung to the second, then to the third step by step. I tried straight for the tenth rung, built my mind muscles, and looking far from the tenth rung, also acknowledged the first, second and the steps involved. This was partly due to my nature, and partly because of me being my only guide. Naturally, some things were missed this way — the stepwise flow that everyone takes (how many succeed?), but it was more adventurous.

What happened like this was me knowing about things more through imagination, than through reading about their definition in the books. Clearly, this knowledge would be different — it would be closer to and going directly to where the stepwise way should lead us. If we do something like this, there ought to be many gaps in between, which can never be filled without going the step-by-step way or may take much longer to be filled.

Another thing here that I see is the nature of time that has been different for me — being an artist and a poet also, I can make use of my intuition where borrowed knowledge fails and can look at many parts of a problem at once (just like how attention works in transformers), when I can do it like this, for many things, the need for stepwise knowledge is not there. But clearly there are a few things as I mentioned before that cannot be known without stepwise knowledge.

Due to intuition and going straight to the root cause, I was thinking too fast most of the times, but there is a need to create gaps in between your thoughts if you want to relax, or even speak up your thoughts — you cannot speak if your mind is so fast, and that can give a completely negative impression to your co-workers at least in a working space of average intelligence. This as I learnt again through experience, can be worked upon. Slowly and slowly, I intentionally trying to create peaceful gaps in between, I am mastering this art.

And now with such a mind, the stepwise knowledge started making much more sense. The gaps in my knowledge are to be filled, and only then, I can be the best, the imagination must complement simple knowing, only then, I can be the best. Imagination is more important, but knowledge has its place too. Intelligence, as said by a great seer, is the capacity to know, and not what facts you know at any instant. I am confident of my intelligence and will take the stepwise learning hand-in-hand to be the best of the best.

© Manan sheel



manan sheel

an artist, poet, singer and engineer. trying to introduce heart into the world of mind.